The Dog and Joe Sho

The Dog and Joe Sho

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Dahmer Halloween Costumes Going Too Far?

The release of Netflix's Dahmer on September 21st has many people split. Some can't help but watch the gruesome events unfold, whereas others can't even bare to watch a second of the show.

Halloween is a little less than two weeks away, which means many people are cobbling together their costumes. And one of those costumes that seems to be rising in popularity is that of Dahmer. Websites like Ebay are selling items like a blonde wig and wire-rimmed glasses, which is an indication that cosplaying as the serial killer for Halloween may be a trend this year. An instagram user, by the name of Sophia Casanova, has already cosplayed Dahmer:

Instagram pulled down the original post, which Casanova posted again with the following caption:

There are those that don't find the costume offensive, or the Netflix show as well; however, there are relatives affected by the serial killer's actions that are speaking out in the wake of Dahmer's popularity. One of those victims was Tony Hughes, a deaf and non-vocal young man that was murdered by Dahmer.

According Shirley Hughes:

"...That the show is very, very triggering... it hurts for Netflix and all the online stores to profit off her son's death"
She continues and says:
"None of the victims' families have seen a dime... All the eBay ads should be taken down... or at the very least, give the profits to the families."

The pain never goes away for Shirley and she claims that had Netflix not produced the show, she and other families would not be re-victimized.

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