The Dog and Joe Sho

The Dog and Joe Sho

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Americans Spend More Than $300 On Impulse Buys (Per Month)

A recent poll of 2,000 American adults looked at their spending trends from 2020 - 2022. Overall, there has been a 64% increase in impulse shopping in 2022 (since 2020). On average, people are spending $314 per month on impulse buys ($276 in 2021 and $183 in 2020).

Of Those Polled:

  • 73% claimed most of their purchases tend to be spontaneous (up from 59% in 2021)
  • 68% claim inflation plays a large role in what they're buying
  • 52% of impulse buys are online and in-store (where as more shopping was online in 2021 & 2020)
  • 70% are more likely to impulse buy on their phone while in bed (up from 68% in 2021 and 66% in 2020)

Of The Impulse Buys:

  • 35% are on clothing
  • 30% are on food and groceries
  • 29% are on household items
  • 28% are on shoes
  • 27% are on technology

51% of those surveyed shop for themselves.

According to Louie Patterson of Slickdeals:

“This year’s survey indicates Americans are spending more on impulse purchases than in the past two years. While inflation is certainly impacting budgets across many essential shopping categories, interestingly, we’re also seeing consumers reporting an increase in the frequency of their impulse spending.”

So with impulse spending up, here are some of the factors that affect shopping habits:

  • 65% are more likely to buy something if there is free shipping
  • 69% are less likely to complete their purchase if there is a shipping fee
  • 61% feel a sense of happiness after an impulse purchase
    • 41% feel happiness
    • 40% feel excitement
    • 34% admit they shop out of boredom
  • 67% buy something on impulse out of fear of missing out (FOMO)

Patterson states:

“Fear of missing out is a powerful motivator for impulse purchasing, but as indicated in the survey, 58% of Americans report that unplanned purchases have actually saved them money. We regularly witness the positive effects of impulse purchasing through our community of shoppers helping one another find the best prices at any given time. Tapping into a great deal on household items, coffee or technology products can ultimately help you save on your budget.”

What Are Americans Impulse Buying?


  • Clothing 35%
  • Food/Groceries 30%
  • Household items 29%
  • Shoes 28%
  • Technology 27%
  • Books 27%
  • Takeout 26%
  • Toys 25%
  • Coffee 25%
  • Spa Services 24%


  • Food/Groceries 48%
  • Household Items 42%
  • Clothing 40%
  • Coffee 33%
  • Toys 29%
  • Takeout 28%
  • Books 26%
  • Vehicles 25%
  • Technology 22%
  • Spa Services 20%


  • Food/Groceries 47%
  • Clothing 38%
  • Household Items 38%
  • Technology 27%
  • Coffee 27%
  • Vehicles 25%
  • Takeout 23%
  • Shoes 23%
  • Books 22%
  • Video Games 20%

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