The Dog and Joe Sho

The Dog and Joe Sho

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Most Boring Zodiac Signs

According to astrologer Lauren Ash, these six zodiac signs aren't quite gifted with natural charisma, perhaps don't stand out as much; may even be considered bland with their regimented routines.

Number Six


Ash states:

"When a Taurus is in their element, they have a natural charm about them. However, it's not very often you'll find this stubborn earth sign trying something new. If there's a trip they don't want to go on, a conversation they don't like, or a person they don't care for, Taurus would rather avoid it. This means that in relationships and friendships it's unlikely you'll get a Taurus to step outside their comfort zone, which can make them seem a bit boring. They also don't like to take risks with their money and prefer to plan in advance. And as natural homebodies, you can expect a Taurus to skip out on plans last minute if they're feeling tired."

Number Five


Ash characterizes:

"Virgos are just not into drama and are usually very reserved. They are cautious and prefer a quiet night alone to a rowdy night out bar hopping. Even with plenty of advance notice, you're unlikely to convince a Virgo to do anything outside of their normal routine. This makes them very reliable friends, but not the kind you call up to get into some late-night fun. And when it comes to meeting new people, Virgos tend to get shy. They prefer a close-knit group of friends and struggle in new social settings due to their introverted personalities."

Number Four


Ash explains:

"Libras are known for their calming personalities. While they are fun to be around in the right setting, don't expect them to step outside of their comfort zone too often. Libras enjoy going to new places and on adventures, but only if they are planned well in advance. They are often so practical that they lack imagination or creativity. While they might be good at facilitating conversations with others, they're less willing to be open about their own perspectives and opinions. This can result in some stale conversations at parties that leave you feeling like you don't really know them at all."

Number Three


Ash describes the Pisces as:

"...Some of the sweetest people among the zodiac. This introverted water sign requires a lot of alone time to recharge their social batteries. ...They can get too wrapped up in their own head to be aware of anyone else. It's not uncommon for a Pisces to just fall off the map for a few months... (they) also quickly get overwhelmed in a crowd, and after a while, they just want to leave."

Number Two


Ash writes:

"Capricorns get a bad rap for being overly serious and dull... They're known to appreciate the traditional ways of doing things... and they tend to shy away from risky behavior or out-of-the-box thinking. As the cardinal earth sign, they have a natural leadership ability, which is why they're known for workaholic tendencies and ambition. But that also makes them feel guilty if they're having too much fun, which holds them back from cutting loose. And because Capricorns tend to stay in their heads as opposed to sharing their ideas with others, they have the appearance of being cold, boring, and a bit dull to be around in social settings."

Number One


According to Ash:

"Known as the nurturers of the zodiac, there's a lot to love about Cancers. However, their need to be the responsible friend of the group makes it hard for them to get wild. Cancers also prefer consistency and stability over spontaneity, which makes them the least adventurous of the zodiac signs. They would much rather stay in the comfort of their home instead of going out into the unknown."

What do you think? How true are these horoscopes?

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