Inspiring Los Angeles athlete Zion Clark is no stranger to working hard, smashing goals, and breaking records despite the challenges that he has faced his whole life. He was born with a rare spine condition referred to as "Caudal Regression Syndrome," causing him to grow up without legs. According to Guinness World Records, Clark recently broke the world record for the "highest box jump with the hands" and the "most diamond push ups in three minutes" at the Dogpound Gym in Los Angeles on October 13th. If he did not break a record on his first attempt, he would merely regroup and try again until he did.
Clark reached a height of 33 inches to beat the box jump record, and did 248 diamond push ups in three minutes. He explained that achieving these goals was no easy task as it is just as much of a mental battle as it is physical.
"Doing these push ups, you cap 100, 150, 200, that is when real pain sets in [and] one of two things is going to happen, you are going to fold and stop, or you are going to say screw it and keep pushing until you achieve that goal," Clark shared with Guinness World Records. Clark attributes his positive mindset and physical capabilities to the hardships that he has successfully overcome throughout his life.
"The sun is going to come up tomorrow and it’s going to come up the day after that."