2 in 3 Think Will Smith Should Be Charged For Slapping Chris Rock

Sunday night's Academy Awards will not be soon forgotten after Will Smith "slapped the sh!t" out of Chris Rock. Will Smith went on to win an Oscar for King Richard and there has been debate about whether he should have been able to receive the award, whether he should be allowed to keep the award and whether he should be charged (most likely assault) for slapping Chris Rock. Fans and celebrities have been taking sides:

On the Chris Rock side...

Adam Sandler

Zoe Kravitz

Kathy Griffin

On the Will Smith side...

Jameela Jamil

Jaden Smith

A recent poll was conducted by OnePoll regarding the event and here are what people thought:

  • 76.5% feel that making fun of Pinkett Smith was inappropriate
    • 48% of men felt it was uncalled for
    • 38% of women felt it was uncalled for

An additional poll conducted by StudyFinds.com asked whether or not they Will Smith should be charged with assault for the slap.

  • 65% somewhat believe that Will Smith should be charged for the incident
    • Of those, 36% strongly agreed that Will Smith should be charged for the incident
  • 14% disagree that Will Smith should be charged for the incident
  • 21% are unsure that Will Smith should be charged for the incident


  • 62.2% felt that Will Smith's behavior was somewhat justified

And then there are those that believe the entire incident was staged:

  • 30% strongly believe it was scripted
  • 28% somewhat believe it was scripted
  • 21% are unsure
  • 21.5% believe it was real

Overall, most people believe that Will Smith's actions were not ok; 58% thinking he should be banned from the Oscars for good (18% disagree).

What do you think?

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