It's NEVER Too Early For Christmas Decor - 9 Reasons Why

When do you put up your holiday decorations? After Thanksgiving? The week before Christmas? According to scientists, decorating for the holidays can make you happier... so the earlier you start, the better! And here's 9 reasons why:

9. More Time for Holiday Traditions

There are always so many Christmas traditions and not enough time to do them all in. Hang decorations early, and you'll have more time for cookie exchanges, holiday shopping, wrapping gifts and Christmas parties.

8. Spend More Time with Family

With decorating out of the way, there is more time to enjoy festive activities like making gingerbread houses or DIY ornaments with the kids.

7. Sing a New Tune

Crank up the holiday jams. You know you want to.

6. Enjoy Decor Longer

SO MUCH work goes into decorating for Christmas, only to be enjoyed for 30 days (or less). Lugging all the ornaments boxes out, just to put them all away sucks... so why not start earlier and enjoy the fruits of labor for longer?

5. Show Off Your DIYs

Make the wreath now. Decorate those ornaments now. Get that Christmas card display rockin' now... then enjoy the fruits of your DIY labor!

4. It's Cold

It's getting cold and you might as well bust out your cozy Christmas decor. We're talking plaid blankets and evergreen-scented candles; throw a few logs on the fire and whip up so hot cocoa.

3. Dessert

Need we really say more? Christmas cookies? Yes please! Nothing screams the holidays more than all the delicious baking, which will really get you in the mood.

2. Your Neighbors Will Like You

Thanks to the magic of science, a recent study that is, houses decorated for Christmas are perceived as "more open or accessible". (Thus more likable.)

1. It Could Make You Happier

According to psychotherapists, Christmas decorations are associated with feelings of nostalgia and childhood excitement. Decorating also helps connect to positive memories of friends and family; all things that can help generate happy feelings.

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