Meet The Woman With The Largest Mouth In The World (Guinness World Record)

Meet 31 year old Samantha Ramsdell, who holds the Guinness World Record for the World's Largest Mouth.

Ramsdell was discovered on TikTok, where she has 1.7 million followers and is known for doing things like this:

Her mouth (gape) measures 2.5" half inches tall and 4" wide. She had been posting content on TikTok for quite some time before the community urged her to try for the Guinness World Record.

She said:

"I never thought it would be possible to be this famous off my mouth. I was so insecure about (it), but it's now "one of the biggest, best things about me. It's your superpower. It's the thing that makes you unique and special. Everyone should be celebrating what makes them different."

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