‘Disaster Girl’ Meme Sells For $450k+ As An NFT

The name Zoe Roth may not immediately ring a bell, but we all know the four year old girl standing in front of the burning wreckage of her family home:

The insanely popular internet meme, known as "Disaster Girl", has officially been claimed by now 21-year old Roth, who just sold it as a non-fungible token (NFT) for more than $450,000!

The way this particular NFT works is Roth retains the copyright on the image, originally taken by her father in 2005. It is coded to give her 10% of the sale when purchased. This allows her to control the use of the viral image, something she hasn't been able to in over 16 years since it was taken and went viral.

The NFT went up as a 24-hour auction and sold for nearly $458,000 or 180 ETH (Ethereum). She plans to split the profits with her family.

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